<aside> 💡 StudyWithMe : Choose anouncer and Write memo!


Own team member information

Click the “+” button to add your team member!

스크린샷 2023-03-02 오후 2.06.03.png

View that adding member’s info

View that adding member’s info

View that member has correctly added

View that member has correctly added

Adding member View

Write your team member’s name, age, phoneNum, e-mail

❗️If you write e-mail with incorrect form, it can’t save(or update)

❗️If you didn’t fill at least one of those blank(except for image), it can’t save(or update)

Calendar View

스크린샷 2023-03-02 오후 2.11.35.png

스크린샷 2023-02-28 오후 8.56.59.png

Swipe to see next month or last month

if you want to come back to current month(week) page, clike “🔄” this button!

Click certain date to see memos

if you touch certain date then the calendar will become “week mode”, and it’ll show us memos that written on that date